Why is sweating in a sauna
so healthy

Easing of tension, relaxation, slowing down, these are the essential factors looked for by sauna users. Regular sauna sessions, however, offer much more. They train the whole body. The intensive change from great heat and cold is beneficial for the circulatory system and relaxes the muscles.
Sweating cleans the skin, supports the skin elasticity and keeps it young. The immune system is strengthened. Last but not least, the growing fondness for escaping from everyday life in the sauna is a pure pleasure of well-being: harmony of body, soul and mind.
Important sauna rules
you should follow
- For the circulation it is best not to load the stomach with too much food or alcohol before a sauna session. Drinking is done afterwards. One or two litres are recommended - mineral water being preferable.
- The perfect sauna session lasts eight to 15 minutes. You can have two or three sessions with a break of the same duration. In this period you should not drink anything in order to not to interrupt the detoxification process. Do not forget to drink enough after the sauna session!
- At the end of every sauna session water is poured onto stones to provide an additional stimulus of heat. This beneficial effect can be increased with pleasant sauna fragrances.
- A Sole-Therme salt evaporator brings additional valuable salt laden air into the sauna supporting the airways and skin.
- Relaxing music or LED coloured light have a positive effect on body and mind, depending on whether you are searching for relaxation, mood improvement, stimulation or something soothing. This can be particularly effective in the relaxing ambiance of the sauna.
- To finish your sauna session perfectly, go out into the fresh air for a short time, then cool your body with cold water. It is best to start moving the water hose from the feet slowly upwards to the body. Do not forget the head!
- By the way, sauna sessions are not only important in winter, they are also the ideal protection from colds in the transitional season. Furthermore they are an excellent exercise for hot summer temperatures. Specialists in travel medicine recommend learning how to handle extraordinary temperatures for long-distance journeys in the sauna.
- Some practise is allowed: Sauna beginners best sit on the lowest bench first or lie down flat. When it is clear that you can cope with the heat, you can move to the upper bench. To get your circulation going, always remain in a sitting position for a few minutes before leaving.
- If you cannot sleep at night, this can be due to a late sauna session. Heat disturbs the biorhythm. For this reason sauna sessions are better for some people in the morning or early afternoon.
- During pregnancy women often cannot cope high temperatures very well, therefore consult your doctor in any case before having sauna sessions. If he or she gives a green light, we recommend the more agreeable Biosauna with temperatures between 60 and 70°C.
- Sauna sessions are completely safe for children, however, they often lack the patience for longer sessions. In Finland even babies are taken into the sauna. It is important to take care that children drink enough after the sauna session.